This show was broadcast on on June 19th 2021. Raverspace radio is a project of DJ Skully to keep the late 90’s and early 2000’s sound alive and give listeners a chance to hear the old songs they love so much. It is a 24/7 broadcast. Check it out here.
This show had a heaven/hell theme. I got Hell. The rules were 1990’s to 2004 only, with a focus on 90’s and very early 2000’s. Dark, with trancey and acid feel.
I spent a ton of time going through old vinyls and hunting down old tracks, experimenting with the mix. As usual, I hated the mix at one point and tried to completely remake it from scratch (that didn’t work either). After about 30 hours of tinkering, I came up with this mix. I was extremely pleased at the end result and I hope the listeners were too.
Skully’s mix is the heaven mix. It’s a great mix of old 90’s tech trance with lots of classics and memory songs. It would’ve sounded great in a club.
We will be doing more collaborations in the future. We already have one planned for next month.